
Background 2018-07-11T15:53:21+00:00

Please note that the 2017/18 consultation on proposals for hospital service changes finished on 23 March 2018

This website is currently being refreshed, following final decisions. In the meantime, please note the following updates:

Independent Report now available

An independent report on the consultation responses was published on 22 May 2018

Review the report

CCG Joint Committee final decision

The CCG Joint Committee reached its final decisions on 6 July 2018

Learn more about the final decision

Decision-making Business Case Available

A full copy of the decision-making business case is available

Find out more about the decision-making business case

The proposals explained in this consultation website are the result of some 18 months of development and longer in some cases. There are many background details, including a full pre-consultaiton business case, references to clinical evidence and more.
In this section, we have published a list of documents to provide further information and show the extensive work behind our proposals.