How to send your views

//How to send your views
How to send your views 2018-02-27T10:54:50+00:00

We are inviting you to give your views on proposals for consultation between now and 9 March 2018. This has now been extended to the 23rd March 2018.

Further information on the proposals is available from this website; or you can read about each proposal in our full consultation document  – available opposite for download.

All of your feedback during the consultation will be considered in March and April to inform planning decisions in early summer 2018.

There are a number of ways to have your say:

By completing a survey

Our survey is available online. Complete the survey here

Or contact our consultation team to request a printed version of the same survey.

You can write to us

Please send you views by post or email, for full contact details – see Contact us

Request a meeting

If your group or organisation would like to arrange a meeting with us, please contact the consultation team. For contact details – see Contact us

Group meetings

We are arranging various meetings with patient participation groups and other local representatives, including Healthwatch and the Stroke Association. If you are a member of a voluntary group, for full contact details – see Contact us

Join one of our open discussion events

At each of our discussion events, you will be able to hear more from senior doctors and nurses who have been involved in developing proposals for service change

We hope you will be prepared to take an active part

For details of our discussion events and how to book your place – see Events

For full contact details – see Contact us