Investment and finance

//Investment and finance
Investment and finance 2017-11-30T18:59:17+00:00

Investment and finance

Investment of over £118 million is planned for our hospitals’ buildings and sites

This money will be spent to:

  • Increase the total number of hospital beds by about 50
  • Build new operating theatres
  • Improve technology to make it easier to work across three hospital sites.

All three hospitals will benefit from this additional investment as follows:

  • Southend Hospital – £41 million
  • Basildon Hospital – £30 million
  • Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford – £19 million

A further £28 million will be invested in additional technology and facilities across all three sites.

How our overall plan for change brings our NHS back into financial balance 

The current cost of our NHS in mid and south Essex, of which the largest spend is on hospital care, is much greater than the funding available. In 2016/17, this created an overspend of £99 million.

If we made no change at all over the next five years, the additional demand for health care could increase the overspend to over £500 million by the year 2021/22.

See the plan below to bring the system into financial balance over the next five years